Weddon - Wedding Event Invitation Elementor Template Kit - ThemeForest Item for Sale Weddon - Wedding Event Invitation Elementor Template Kit
Upgrading Visual Composer, Master Slider, Revolution Slider You are having difficulties to update your bundled plugins via automatic updater? So how can we update? Navigate the Plugins list and deactivate Visual Composer, Revolution Slider and/or Master SliderNow visit Appearance > ...
What is supported? Product support includes: Responding to questions and problems regarding your purchased item and its featuresFixing bugs and reported issues by releasing updates regularlyAssistance with integration questions and incompatibi ...
Information regarding support response times We live in UTC+03:00 time-zone. Please keep in mind that we may have different daytime in our region compared to yours. We are trying check tickets as often as we can to keep synchronized with others.Usually, we will respon ...
Word Fence Plugin As we noticed recently, a plugin named Word Fence causing the issue, please deactivate it or set it to learning mode if you have it. If you don't have the plugin, probably your server returning an unexpected error on AJAX ca ...
Are you giving support for customization services? No, we are only trying to help you as further as we can but please do not ask for theme customization. Besides, good ideas always welcome for upcoming theme updates.
Before reporting an issue Make sure you are using the most up-to-date version of the item We are working really hard to test everything and keep the plugin as bug-free as possible. However, there is no perfect software and our products are not an exc ...
Product support does not include: Product support does not include: Customizations beyond the capabilities of the Item or fixing issues caused by your customizationsResponsibility for fixing issues caused by faulty 3rd party componentsNon-product-specific qu ...
Theme is missing the style.css stylesheet error Please visit https://help.market.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/202821510-Theme-is-missing-the-style-css-stylesheet-error there you can find the solution.
Where can I get help if I received the item by another purchase? Our ticket system requires a valid Item Purchase Code to verify your purchase, so if you received the Item by another purchase, you will not be able to open a new support ticket. However, you will still be able to read our FA ...